5 types of malware explained

Know your Malware!

You’ve heard the word ‘Malware’ many times before, no doubt. But what does it actually mean?

The word Malware is short for Malicious Software and is a general term used to describe all the different types of Viruses, Trojans, Spyware and all other forms of software that is developed specifically to cause harm to your computer or steal information stored within. Here are some specific examples of the different types of malware:


A fitting name for this malware as it is able to spread from one computer to the next, infecting each computer as it travels through via the document or software which it is attached to. It is then passed along through emails, file sharing, networking or external storage devices. A virus can transmit by inserting a copy of itself into a legit program. Once the executable file for the infected software is opened, the virus is executed along with it. The effects of a virus range from annoying effects to damaged data, damaged windows files and other damaged software.


Computer worms, similar to the nature of viruses in the way that they replicate functional copies of themselves and are known to cause similar types of damage. The difference here is that worms are standalone programs and do not require a host program to infect and execute. To spread, worms exploit network vulnerabilities so make sure your firewall is enabled, locked down and up to date. In the past, worms have been known to have cost billions of pounds worth of damage to business companies.


The name comes from the ‘Trojan Horse’. A wooden horse that the Greeks hid inside to infiltrate the city of Troy. A harmful piece of software in a package that is made to look legitimate. Users are tricked into opening a file on their system which can cause attacks such as pop ups, damage to system files, deletion of files, data theft and the infection of other viruses.


Scareware is developed to look like a legitimate program that will produce alarming warnings or threat notices. Often mimicking security software to deceive unsuspecting users into paying fee’s to remove fictional malware. It can also be very persistent, not allowing you access over your system while it is active. If you are unsure that you have legitimate security software installed then you are welcome to give us a call.


A keylogger is a malicious program that can monitor the real time activity of a user on a computer, namely each individual keyboard key which is pressed. These keystrokes are then sent to a malicious individual who can the use this information to steal passwords or credit card information. Detecting the presence of a keylogger can be difficult so we suggest a full format of your computer if this malware is thought to be present in your machine. In fact, due to the serious fraudulent nature of keyloggers.

All types of malware removal are dealt with regularly in both of our Blackpool and Lytham laptop repair shops. If you are concerned that your computer may be infected, then do not hesitate to have your PC health checked and give us a call.


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