The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European directive designed to improve and unify the way businesses that operate in the EU collect, handle, process and store personal data such as customer information or HR records. From a security point of view there has been some important changes and legislation that your business needs to comply with. If you’re worried that you aren’t GDPR compliant from a security point of view, don’t panic, we can help.
The introduction of GDPR means that a variety of technical and organisational procedures have had to be changed or looked at more closely. One is the need to protect personal data against unauthorised processing, accidental loss or destruction.
Stopping unauthorised access to communication networks, the distribution of malicious code or damage to computer and communication systems all form part of GDPR security requirements. The legislation also requires you to have good procedures in place to detect and investigate data breaches. Breaches then must be reported within 72 hours.
Complying with GDPR essentially means ensuing that your data security and processing is as tight as possible. We can help by challenging your network defences and proactively finding potential threats. We have a range of security services including vulnerability assessment, penetration testing and managed threat detection and response.
We can also do the following to help you with GDPR compliance:
GDPR means that you have a duty to report breaches of personal data. This could be if any personal data is lost, destroyed, corrupted, disclosed, accessed without authorisation, accidentally lost, destroyed or encrypted by ransomware.
Besides being fined by the government, such losses can ruin a business financially or by reputation. Make sure your security systems are up to scratch or let us do it for you.
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